Part of the BoxelBoesBelanda project is to incorporate a lodge or 2 into the garden. Recommendations from trustworthy people let us to the lodges Mets had built in Awarradam. The carpenter of these lodges is Henk Dingé, who lives in Pokigron (Atjoni). Just before we had to go back to cold, hectic Holland, we made up a 'contract'. On a notepad (you remember, pen, paper) we put down a signature committing ourselves to finance and built the lodge.
Jack, Stanley, Henk |
Two months later at the end of July (actually, yesterday), I received the first picture of the lodge in the making from Erik.
The roof of the lodge is made up of shingles from the Walaba tree. Few people know how to make such a beautiful wooden roofing. Definitely a craft and Henk is rightfully proud to be that craftsman.
Actually, he is in the process of starting up his own carpentry firm. The trouble he goes through to keep us up to date, the fastness with which he collects all the materials and of course the magnificent result, we can not but recommend this man.