maandag 30 juli 2012

Maintenance, absence and Matapica

No one home and weeds immediately shoots from the ground. Tropical climate, you know.
First, in 2010, we had we help from the guy who already took care of the gardens in Little Paradise. He would keep the weed on our land in control during our absence. As it turned out, Neeta our neighbour had to step in as well :(
Then we asked the nephew of our neighbour at the back, in 2011. We were lucky we found him, because when we came around again in May 2012, we did not have to cut our way through bushes. We could immediately pitch our tent.


So we found some time to search for the giant sea turtles in Matapica. Only beach pictures here, because the turtles lay their eggs only during the night.


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Gaaf werk verricht Jack ziet er goed uit. Boos.senior

  2. He , boos senior (aka Pierre)
    Fijn om je waardering te horen. Spoort mij aan om 'keihard' door te gaan!
